District Health Science Specialist
District General Financial Literacy Specialist
District Warehouse Specialist
District Health Science Specialist
District General Financial Literacy Specialist
District Warehouse Specialist
(801) 402-3937
Career and Technical Education at Bountiful High provides our students with knowledge and skills in many different content areas including:
Business & Marketing
Family and Consumer Science
Health Sciences
Information Technology
Skilled and Technical
Courses combine the academic knowledge and technical skills that are vital for entry into the careers of the 21st century. Many CTE courses also offer Concurrent Enrollment College credit. Career Pathways help students to seamlessly transition from high school to college to careers and life. Skills are verified through CTE State Skill Certificate tests or industry tests in each course.
CTE student leadership organizations (CTSOs) combine classroom instruction with leadership training and a practical application of skills. Each organization provides training and competition specific to a CTE program area. Students enrolled in Career & Technical Education courses are encouraged to participate in the student organization that relates to their area of career interest. Each year students participate in region and state competitions. State winners are eligible to attend their national competitions. Student organizations are DECA, FCCLA, HOSA, FBLA.